SUMMER SCHOOL | European Policy Communications in the Digital Era 2018 (Madrid, Spain)

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An intensive four-day Summer School in Policy Communications organized in cooperation with EURACTIV, Better Europe, and Global Policy Academy.
Registration fee: 900 €
Included: 4 days of advanced lectures and workshops in policy communications; Certificate of completion; Food and drinks in the breaks; Social programme of the summer school
Who should apply? Advocacy or communications officers, policy researchers, analysts, other employees of think tanks or research institutes, politicians and political assistants, graduate and post-graduate students of politics or policy. The Summer School is designed for English speakers; therefore a good command of the language is needed.
Date and location: July 18-21, 2018 in Madrid, Spain.
The final deadline for registration is April 30, 2018. REGISTRATION FOR THIS EVENT IS CLOSED.
Participants interested in applying for the 2018 Summer School should fill in the online registration form below. The number of places in the Summer School is limited. Applications are considered in priority order, according to the date of their submission. After the completion of the prescribed quota of places, no application will be accepted. Upon acceptance, you will be sent an invoice for the registration fee. For any inquiries please contact us on
About the Summer School
How to use communication tools effectively to advocate for policy change in the EU decision-making process? How to best communicate your policies, or the policies you advocate for, to the general public? Beyond these traditional questions of EU-level policy communications, the digital era brought new possibilities and challenges which will be addressed in the programme. The use of social media for policy communications and communication strategies addressing the fake news phenomenon, put into focus the balance between evidence-based and emotion-based policy communications. During the summer school, top-class European experts in policy communications will address these issues and more, in a highly interactive setting with insightful workshops and lectures. Workshops in advanced policy brief writing, op-ed writing, position paper writing, and use of social media in policy communications are included in the programme, alongside round table discussions and lectures with EU level decision makers on issues of policy communications. The four full days of the programme will equip the participants will tools and skills needed to achieve excellence in all aspects of policy communications, from traditional to digital.
Aims of the Programme
The participants of the summer school will:
- Obtain the skills for effective and impactful policy communications.
- Learn by doing – through interactive lectures and workshops.
- Get an advanced understanding of the dynamics of the European policy process.
- Learn how to be “heard in Brussels” – wherever you are based.
- Learn and exchange best (and worst) practices in policy communications.
- Have an opportunity for networking with EU-level decision-makers and experts.
- Receive an advanced certificate in policy communications.
Main Themes
Lectures – Workshops – Experiential Learning – Group Work – Coaching Sessions – Round Tables
- European policy process – importance of timing and targeting in policy communications.
- Lobbying and policy communications.
- What makes high quality position papers?
- Contributing to the Commission’s consultation process.
- Advanced op-ed writing workshop.
- Advanced policy brief writing workshop.
- Delivering your policy message through social media – Advanced social media and policy communications workshop.
- Fake news, populism, and policy communications.
Confirmed Speakers
Dominique Ostyn | Director of Communications, EURACTIV
Dominique is in charge of Communication, Branding and Press impact for EURACTIV and its Europe-wide partner network. He is also in charge of Opinions @EURACTIV and, the only blogging platform exclusively devoted to EU affairs, and involved in other Social Media initiatives that aim to build a true community of EU actors. Dominique also co-founded Friends of Europe, one of Europe’s top think tanks.
Joost Mulder | Founder, Better Europe
Better Europe was set up in 2017 by Joost Mulder, an independent Public Affairs expert with a strong network in the “Brussels bubble” and in civil society, with a broad knowledge of EU financial services legislation. With 13 years’ experience in Brussels including as a political assistant to an MEP, a lobby consultant, and head of advocacy at an NGO, Joost is able to build unexpected alliances between different stakeholders. He has deep knowledge of EU decision-making and first-hand lobby experience on less documented procedures such as trilogues and Council negotiations, secondary legislation (DA/RTS/ITS) and the implementation of EU legislation, and has shared his experience through webinars, book contributions and guest lectures at academic institutions.
Bernhard Knoll-Tudor | Director, Global Policy Academy
Prior to his appointment as director of the Global Policy Academy, Bernhard worked for the OSCE, an international organization devoted to ‘hard’ security as well as to human rights diplomacy. He was involved in policy design and public relations, both at the level of field missions and at the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in Warsaw (special adviser to the director, 2006-2012). He has held positions at the European Union Monitoring Mission in Bosnia; the United Nations Administration Mission in Kosovo (acting Temporary Media Commissioner, 2003), and with the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Kristiina Randmaa | Social Media, European Investment Bank
Kristiina is a London-based communications consultant and trainer with over thirteen years of experience working with top political organisations, most notably the European Commission, European Investment Bank and European Parliament. Educated as a journalist, she has been involved with political communications since 2004, having directly supported different strategic communication projects across Europe. Her specialties include press communications, web content management, social media, media relations and reputation management.
Jakov Bojovic | President, Centre for Policy Writing
Jakov is the president of CEPOW, a training institute and consultancy that organizes policy advocacy and communications seminars in Brussels. For the past 5 years he has been co-editing Politheor, a media outlet that gives young graduates an opportunity to meanigfuly contribute to European policy debates, whilst providing them with sufficient training in opinion writing. Jakov is also a PhD candidate in European governance at Central European University.
Mario Munta | Researcher, Center for European Union Research
And more…
Why Madrid?
Madrid is the third largest city in the EU with a rich cultural life. The social programme of the summer school will introduce the participants to what this vibrant European hub has to offer.